Psychological Peculiarities of Understanding by Students Internet Texts


Maksymenko SerhiiORCID,Nemesh OlenaORCID,Maksymenko KseniaORCID,Nabochuk AlexanderORCID


The purpose of the article is to show psychological peculiarities of understanding by students Internet texts and to determine the predictors of such understanding. Methods and methodical instrumentation of the research. The following scientific methods were used as the basis of the research: holistic analysis of the text, problem-thematic analysis, also comparative analysis. The following methods have also been used to study the research material: the descriptive method; the method of distributive analysis; the method of syntactic transformation. Also we used the author’s questionnaire to determine the goals of interpersonal communication in the Internet space (Nabochuk, 2020); the questionnaire (Shkuratova, 2019), which has the aim to determine the motives of direct and indirect interpersonal communication; the questionnaire with the purpose to provide diagnostics of interpersonal relationships by T. Leary (The questionnaire of diagnostics of interpersonal relationships, 2018). The results of the research. It was built a semantic space that characterized the process of understanding of artistic Internet texts of journalistic discourse. Students evaluated the content of these texts by 30 bipolar scales, which were combined after factor analysis into 7 blocks of factors that characterize the “evaluation” of a particular Internet text. (1). “The Assessment”: successful – unsuccessful; interesting – uninteresting; strong – weak; pleasant – unpleasant; predicative – non-predicative. (2). “Tension or Strength”: difficult – easy to understand; tense – frivolous; exceptional – everyday; chained – free; active – inactive; aggressive – non-aggressive; authoritarian – democratic. (3). “Realism or vitality”: natural – fictional; near – far; real – unreal. (4). “Emotional tone”: pessimistic – optimistic; sad – cheerful; selfish – unselfish; suspicious – acceptable. (5). “Depth or psychological content”: psychological – non-psychological; reflective – non reflective; serious – unserious; reasonable – unreasonable; logical – illogical; convenient – inconvenient; dialogical – monologue; dependent – independent. (6). “The Abstractness”: abstract – concrete; fantastic – real. (7). “Multifaceted”: multifaceted – one-sided; complex – simple; compressed – expanded. Conclusions. According to the results of our research, we determined four main psychological peculiarities of understanding by students Internet texts. These peculiarities are: (1) understanding the Internet text by its contextuality, the predictors of which are: reality, versatility, paradigm, descriptiveness, deepness, subjectiveness and personally centered qualities; (2) understanding the Internet text by its psychological context, which includes such predictors, as: psychological justification, compressiveness, interest, entertaining, satisfaction, harmoniousness, emotiveness, expressiveness; (3) understanding the Internet text by its emotional context and predictors, such as: comfort, stylistic expressiveness, convenience, expressiveness, lightness, colloquial features, journalistic style of writing; (4) understanding the Internet text by its multifaceted paradigm, which is characterized by such predictors: paradigmatic, space, being updated, its stimulating, dialogic content, comfort characteristics of perceiving, frivolousness.


Pereiaslav-Khmelnytskyi Hryhorii Skovoroda State Pedagogical University


Linguistics and Language,Language and Linguistics,Experimental and Cognitive Psychology







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