1. 1. A. Sato, http://www.project-next.com/projectNext/Message.html, 2011 (last accessed on Jan. 31, 2012)
2. 2. B. Ishikawa, THE DAYS AFTER: Memories of the Great East Earthquake, a photography book, Tokyo, Asukashinsya, 2011
3. 3. Cocoxom, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RLgP3nmpaRc, 2011 (last accessed on Jan. 31, 2012)
4. 4. FDMA, Report of the Disaster Response Headquarter of Fire and Disaster Management Agency, No. 142, 2011
5. 5. JAFSE (Japan Association for Fire Science and Engineering), A Preliminary Report of Investigation on Earthquake and Tsunami Fires, 2011