1. 1. Tanaka, T.: A Model of Fire Spread in Small Scale Buildings, NBS Special Publication 540 (Proc. of 3rd Joint Panel Meeting of UJNR Panel on Fire Research and Safety), (NBS, USA), 1978
2. 2. Tanaka, T : A Model of Multiroom Fire Spread, NBSIR 83-2718, National Bureau of Standards, U.S. Dept. of Commerce, 1983.
3. 3. Tanaka, T.: A Model of Multiroom Fire Spread, Fire Science and Technology, Vol.3, No.2, pp105-121, 1983.
4. 4. Tanaka, T.: A Model of Multiroom Fire Spread, Proc. of the CNSI Specialist Meeting on Interaction of Fire and Explosion with Ventilation System in Nuclear Facilities, (Los Alamos, USA), 1983.
5. 5. Tanaka, T. and Nakamura, K.: Refinement of A Multi-room Fire Spread Model, Thermal Engineering, Vol. 1, ASME (1987 ASME-JSME Thermal Engineering Conference), (Hawaii, USA), 1987.