1. 1. Tanaka T.: A Model of Multiroom Firespread, National Bureau of Standards, Gaithersbulg, MD (USA), NBSIR 83-2718, 1983.
2. 2. Jones, W. W.: A Model for the Transport of Fire, Smoke and Toxic Gases (FAST), National Bureau of Standards, Gaithersburg, MD (USA), NBSIR 84-2834, 1983.
3. 3. Gahm, J. B.: Computer Fire Code VI - Volume 1 and 2, National Bureau of Standards, Gaithersburg, MD (USA), NBC-GCR-83-451, 1983.
4. 4. N. O. Siu: COMPBRN - A Computer Code for Modelling Compartment Fires, UCLA-ENG-8257 (1982), and NUREG/CR-3239 (1983).
5. 5. Cooper, L. Y., Forney, G. P. and Moss, W. F.: The Consolidated Compartment Fire Model (CCFM) Computer Code Application CCFM. VENTS, Part I-IV, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD (USA).