1. 1. P. H. Thomas, P. L. Hinkley, et al. "Investigations into the flow of Hot Gases" HMSO Fire Research Technical paper, No. 7, London (1961)
2. 2. CS. Yih, "Proc. First US Nat. Congress Appl. Mech". p941. (1951)
3. 3. E. E. Zukoski, T. Kubota and Baki Cetagen "Entrainment into Fire Plumes" Cal. Int. Tech. Daniel & Florence Guggenheim Jet Propulsion Center, April, (1980)
4. 4. F. P. Ricou, D. B. Spalding, J. Fluid & Mech. 11, p21, (1961)
5. 5. P. H. Thomas, Ninth Symposium (International) on Combustion. The Combustion Institute, p844, (1963)