Spodumene-containing glass-crystalline materials for technical purposes


Savvova O. V.,Riabinin S. O.,Voronov G. K.,Fesenko O. I.,Timofeev V. D.


The trends and current state of the glass-ceramic market from 2019 to 2024 have been analyzed, and an increase in demand for glass-crystalline materials for construction and technical purposes has been established. It has been determined that the orientation of world glass-ceramic market towards fragmentation will allow domestic producers to reduce import dependence and increase the competitiveness of domestic glass-ceramic materials in the world market. The aim of this work is to assess the technical and economic indicators of the technology developed spodumene-containing glass-ceramic materials for technical purposes and to conduct pilot laboratory tests. The study of the structure and phase composition of glass-ceramic materials was carried out using complementary methods of physicochemical analysis. The physicochemical properties of the materials were determined in accordance with the requirements of the current regulatory documents in silicate materials. Ballistic properties are determined according to GOST 8782: 2018. Compositions and technologies for the production of spodumene-containing glass-ceramic materials based on lithium-aluminum silicate glasses were selected for the production of domestic elements of armor protection, heat engineering and radio engineering, taking into account the aspects of energy and resource saving. The study of the developed materials structure made it possible to establish differences in mechanical, thermal, and optical properties, which makes it possible to select the recommended areas of their application. A comparative assessment of the performance properties and technical and economic indicators of known ceramic and glass-ceramic materials for body armor made it possible to establish the competitiveness of the developed domestic spodumene-containing materials as elements of individual protection.


Ukrainian Research Institute of Refractories named after A.S. Berezhnoy

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