1. 1. Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Research Council Secretariat (1999) Japanese Feeding Standard for Dairy Cattle. Japan Livestock Industry Association, Tokyo, Japan.
2. 2. AOAC (1975) Official methods of analysis, 12th edn. Association of Official Analytical Chemists, Washington DC, USA.
3. 3. Brouwer, E. (1965) Report of sub-committee on constants and factors. In Energy metabolism, EAAP publication no. 11, ed. Blaxter, K. L., Academic Press, London, UK, 441-443.
4. 5. Curtis, S. E. & Nimz, C. K. (1988) Guide for the care and use of agricultural animals in agricultural research and teaching. FASS, Savoy, IL, USA, pp.120.