Tracer study is needed to understand how well a university has performed in terms of developing the competencies of its students and in preparing them for the world of work. This study was conducted to determine the employment characteristics and job experiences of the graduates of VSU's graduate degree programs, and their feedback on their educational experiences in the university. Data were gathered by sending online questionnaires to graduates with active email accounts, handing in questionnaires to alumni working in VSU and nearby agencies and institutions, and conducting interviews and focus group discussions with graduates working in some institutions in Bohol. Of the 73 respondents, 78% finished master's degree only at ViSCA/LSU/VSU, while 16% finished both master's and doctorate degrees from the university. Almost all (99%) are employed, 84% have regular or permanent positions, 78% are working in academic institutions/state universities and colleges either as faculty members, researchers, extension workers or administrative staff, 27% occupy supervisory positions, and 64% got promoted after earning their graduate degrees in VSU. A great majority of the respondents (92%) considered the graduate degrees they earned as highly relevant to their current jobs. The top five skills they learned in VSU which they found useful included teaching (78%), communication (69%), critical thinking (63%), problem-solving (55%), and human relation skills (52%). The graduate programs were rated high by the respondents in terms of seven criteria, including relevance of the program to professional requirements (4.65), teaching/learning environment (4.33), teacher-student relationship (4.31), quality of program delivery (4.29), range of courses offered (4.20), library, laboratory and other facilities (4.10), and work placement (4.07). This suggests that the respondents were generally satisfied with the university's graduate curricular offerings. However, they gave some suggestions to further improve the delivery of graduate degree programs by VSU.
Science and Humanities Journal, Visayas State U
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