Research on Switchable Energy-Regenerative Suspension System


Xie Yilong1,Tan Bohuan1,Liu Jingang1,Li Hai1,Tan Xingui1


1. Xiangtan University


<div class="section abstract"><div class="htmlview paragraph">Electromagnetic energy-regenerative suspension can convert the kinetic energy generated by the suspension vibration into electrical energy for energy recovery. However, most research has focused on achieving maximum energy-regenerative efficiency without simultaneously considering the suspension’s damping control, leading to suboptimal vibration damping performance. This paper proposes a novel switchable energy-regenerative suspension (SERS) system, which includes an electromagnetic damper (EMD) and a switchable circuit. First, a detailed description of the mechanical structure and the switchable circuit structure of SRES, and their working principles, is provided. Within the switchable circuit, a double-throw switch is used to connect the damping control module and the energy recovery module. Based on this, the system can switch between these two modules, balancing both vibration damping performance and energy recovery functionalities. Then, corresponding dynamic model is developed. In the damping control model, adjusting the resistance value of the load resistor can alter the system’s damping to achieve better vibration damping performance and enhance driving comfort. In the energy recovery module, adjusting the duty cycle of the PWM signal input to the MOSFET can maintain a stable output voltage, ensuring a continuous and smooth power supply to the energy storage device. In order to obtained a better vibration damping performance, a dynamic controller for adjusting damping is designed. The simulation analysis is conducted, which demonstrates the proposed SERS system can significantly improve vibration damping performance of suspensions and shows excellent energy recovery performance.</div></div>


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