1. Sastra Deemed to be University
<div class="section abstract"><div class="htmlview paragraph">The penetration of Electric vehicle market in India has given rise to an eco-friendly, efficient mode of transport. This work aims to answer the question of whether a powertrain change from an internal combustion engine to electric motor in an existing IC powered 125cc scooter, will change the handling performance of the vehicle. This work was carried out using multi-body dynamics simulation software called BIKESIM<sup>TM</sup>. The moments of inertia and mass properties were identified by modelling the vehicle chassis, along with the two different powertrains. A 15.6% increase in the overall mass of the vehicle and a 5% increase in the moments of inertia in the pitch, roll and yaw directions when the powertrain is changed from ICE to electric. A slalom test simulation in BIKESIM<sup>TM</sup> was used to evaluate the differences in maneuverability when the powertrains were changed. The observations from the simulation show a significant change of around 20% in the lateral acceleration, 16.5% in steer angle and 18% in the lean angle when the powertrain is changed from ICE to electric. The rider parameters also experience a deviation as the rider effort and steering torque of the electric powertrain is 14% and 28.5% more than its ICE counterpart respectively. These percentage increases in the handling parameters conclude that the conversion of an existing ICE powertrain to electric powertrain although feasible, will put the rider at a scenario of handling a significantly different vehicle.</div></div>