1. Nanyang Technological University, School of Mechanical and
Aerospace Engineering, Singapore
2. National University of Singapore, Department of Mechanical
Engineering, Singapore
<div>Since the steady-state computational fluid dynamics (CFD) Reynolds-averaged
Navier–Stokes (RANS) turbulence models offer low-cost and sensible accuracy,
they are frequently utilized for bluff bodies’ external aerodynamics
investigations (e.g., upwind, crosswind, and shape optimization). However, no
firm certainty is made regarding the best model in terms of accuracy and cost.
Based on cost and accuracy aspects, four RANS turbulence models were studied,
which are Spalart–Allmaras, realizable k-ε, RNG k-ε, and SST k-ω. Ahmed body
with a 25° slant angle benchmark case was introduced for this investigation. Two
grids were generated to satisfy the near-wall treatment of each turbulence
model. All grid settings were proposed and discussed in detail. Fluid-structure
analysis was performed on five different planes. Regarding flow field
prediction, realizable k-ε and renormalization group (RNG) k-ε models
demonstrated a remarkable consistency with experimental data, while Menter’s
shear stress transport (SST) k-ω showed a poor agreement. The obtained
computational values of drag and lift coefficients were compared with
experimental results. All investigated RANS turbulence models had reported
results in excellent agreement with experimental drag coefficient values. The
SST k-ω model has underestimated lift coefficient value with an error of about
−45% with experimental value. Only realizable k-ε and RNG k-ε presented an error
<10% for predicting drag and lift coefficients.</div>
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1 articles.