High Fidelity Theta Phase Rolling of CA1 Neurons


Sloin Hadas E.ORCID,Levi AmirORCID,Someck ShirlyORCID,Spivak LidorORCID,Stark EranORCID


Single hippocampal cells encode the spatial position of an animal by increasing their firing rates within “place fields,” and by shifting the phase of their spikes to earlier phases of the ongoing theta oscillations (theta phase precession). Whether other forms of spatial phase changes exist in the hippocampus is unknown. Here, we used high-density electrophysiological recordings in mice of either sex running back and forth on a 150-cm linear track. We found that the instantaneous phase of spikes shifts to progressively later theta phases as the animal traverses the place field. We term this shift theta “phase rolling.” Phase rolling is opposite in direction to precession, faster than precession, and occurs between distinct theta cycles. Place fields that exhibit phase rolling are larger than nonrolling fields, and in-field spikes occur in distinct theta phases in rolling compared with nonrolling fields. As a phase change associated with position, theta phase rolling may be used to encode space.SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENTTheta phase precession is a well-known coding scheme in which neurons represent the position of the animal by the timing of their spikes with respect to the phase of ongoing theta oscillations. Here, we show that hippocampal neurons also undergo “theta phase rolling,” a phase change faster and opposite in direction to precession. As the animal advances in space, spikes occur at progressively later phases of consecutive theta cycles. Future studies may reveal whether phase rolling constitutes a novel coding mechanism of space.


Israel Science Foundation

EC | European Research Council



Society for Neuroscience


General Neuroscience








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