Background. We aimed to delineate the genotype and phenotype of patients with KCNQ2 mutations from South China.
Methods. Clinical manifestations and characteristics of KCNQ2 mutations of patients from South China were analyzed. Previous patients with mutations detected in this study were reviewed.
Results. Eighteen epilepsy patients with KCNQ2 mutations, including seven self-limited neonatal epilepsy (SeLNE), two self-limited infantile epilepsy (SeLIE) and nine developmental and epileptic encephalopathy (DEE) were enrolled. The age of onset (p=0.006), mutation types (p=0.029), hypertonia (p=0.000), and seizure offset (p=0.029) were different in self-limited epilepsy (SeLE) and DEE. De novo mutations were mainly detected in DEE patients (p=0.026). The mutation position, EEG or the age of onset were not predictive for the seizure or ID/DD outcome in DEE, while the development of patients free of seizures was better than that of patients with seizures (p=0.008). Sodium channel blockers were the most effective anti-seizure medication, while the age of starting sodium channel blockers did not affect the seizure or development offset. We first discovered the seizure recurrence ratio in SeLNE/SeLIE was 23.1% in South China. Four novel mutations (c.790T>C, c.355_363delGAGAAGAG, c.296+2T>G, 20q13.33del) were discovered. Each of eight mutations (c.1918delC, c.1678C>T, c.683A>G, c.833T>C, c.868G>A, c.638G>A, c.997C>T, c.830C>T) only resulted in SeLE or DEE, while heterogeneity was also found. Six patients in this study have enriched the known phenotype caused by the mutations (c.365C>T, c.1A>G, c.683A>G, c.833T>C, c.830C>T, c.1678C>T).
Conclusion. This research has expanded known phenotype and genotype of KCNQ2-related epilepsy, and the different clinical features of SeLE and DEE from South China.
Hacettepe University Institute of Child Health