Coffee Fun: Gamified Tool Based on the SUM Agile Development Methodology For Video Games


Jaramillo Reinel Manuel Esteban,Mera Tróchez Andrés Felipe,Márceles Villalba Katerine,Chanchí Gabriel ElíasORCID


In recent years, serious games have been applied in different contexts of application, highlighting their contribution in the educational context. This original type article presents the design, construction and evaluation of the Coffee Fun video game. Coffee Fun is a video serious game aimed at children aged 8 to 12 years old; the game has as a theme the growing of coffee beans in a simulation environment in which each player helps the growth of this plant by a few tools provided at each level of the game; in the game, different scenarios related to coffee growing environments are presented for each of its stages in a series of levels that the player must overcome to complete the game through a process of learning and entertainment.


Universidad de Medellin

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