Trace metals occur during natural processes and are also obtained during anthropogenic activities. Streams, lakes and rivers surrounded by farmlands engaged in the use of Trace metal-enriched fertilizers have shown a possible and positive correlation to the rise of Trace metals in the use of chemical, organic and water-soluble fertilizers for a long period. there is a tendency for high correlations of trace metals in source waters. Furthermore, the increasing level of trace metals in fish is alarming and has spurred scientists to make research on the dangers caused by the trace metals resulting in trace metal accumulation and bioaccumulation of life cells. This study aims at assessing the possible sources of trace metals in the aquatic environment, the impact of Trace metals in the aquatic environment, their bioaccumulation in fish and human health risk impact, negative effects in fish have been attributed to the accumulation of trace metals such as irritation of the gastrointestinal mucosa, nephritis, necrosis, neurological and behavioural disorders and death amongst others). The ingestion, absorption and uptake of trace metals in fish are usually toxic and result in harmful damage to the fish and fish life. Since most of the metals taken up are non-biodegradable, such metals can bioaccumulate and bio-magnify. Over time, the accumulated metals affect the growth and development stages of fish from the production of viable eggs, hatchability laval, fingerlings and juvenile life stages. This is so because the early life stages are more sensitive than during maturing and adulthood. In conclusion, negative results of the presence of trace metals and the effect of bioaccumulation and bio-magnification have been reviewed in this paper. This study recommends that the proper assessment and treatment of all forms of wastewater, agricultural waste, sewage, and industrial effluents be carried out before their discharge into the environment.
European Centre for Research Training and Development
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