The acupuncture points are electrically conducting ellipses aligned with their long axes along a line called acupuncture meridian and they are imbedded in the semi-conducting tissue of the body. Since the media is electrically inhomogeneous, to describe mathematically one acupuncture meridian I needed nonlinear equation. Nonlinear equations have more than one solution and my nonlinear equation had two types of solutions – electric impulse and wave. Chinese scientists had already measured electric impulse running from the treated acupuncture point in the direction of the acupuncture meridian (determined by DC potential gradient at rest). However, nobody has measured waves. The nonlinear mathematical model predicted waves must run from the treated acupuncture point in the direction of the acupuncture meridian. Only a year later, the waves were experimentally found. Pain is the cry of the body for help – the pain signal is a wave signal sent to the brain along the acupuncture meridian asking for help. If an acupuncture treatment creates wave, it can block the propagation of the pain-impulse wave and provide analgesia (pain relief). Pain blockage with acupuncture is also the basis of the acupuncture used for anesthesia, which allows painless surgery with much faster recovery.
Athenaeum Scientific Publishers
General Medicine,General Medicine,General Medicine,General Environmental Science,General Medicine,Ocean Engineering,General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Environmental Science,General Medicine,General Medicine,General Medicine
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