Using an animal studies lens, this essay analyzes the role of cats and kittens in Emily of New Moon and draws connections to the solitary path of the female writer. The literary representation of cats gives us a human-mediated view of animal experience and consciousness, inviting us to reflect on the kinds of stories that are told about animals.
Robertson Library, University of Prince Edward Island
Reference38 articles.
1. Alexander, Joy. “Anne with Two ‘G’s: Green Gables and Geographical Identity.” 100 Years of Anne with an “E,” edited by Holly Blackford, U of Calgary P, 2009, pp. 41–62.
2. Amato, Sarah. Beastly Possessions: Animals in Victorian Consumer Culture. U of Toronto P, 2015.
3. Barnes, Elizabeth. “Drowning (in) Kittens: The Reproduction of Girlhood in Victorian America.” American Literature, vol. 86, no. 2, 2014, pp. 305–31.
4. Bode, Rita, and Jean Mitchell, eds. L.M. Montgomery and the Matter of Nature(s).
5. McGill-Queen’s UP, 2018.