The activation loop and substrate-binding cleft of glutaminase C are allosterically coupled


Li Yunxing,Ramachandran Sekar,Nguyen Thuy-Tien T.,Stalnecker Clint A.ORCID,Cerione Richard A.ORCID,Erickson Jon W.


The glutaminase C (GAC) isoform of mitochondrial glutaminase is overexpressed in many cancer cells and therefore represents a potential therapeutic target. Understanding the regulation of GAC activity has been guided by the development of spectroscopic approaches that measure glutaminase activity in real time. Previously, we engineered a GAC protein (GAC(F327W)) in which a tryptophan residue is substituted for phenylalanine in an activation loop to explore the role of this loop in enzyme activity. We showed that the fluorescence emission of Trp-327 is enhanced in response to activator binding, but quenched by inhibitors of the BPTES class that bind to the GAC tetramer and contact the activation loop, thereby constraining it in an inactive conformation. In the present work, we took advantage of a tryptophan substitution at position 471, proximal to the GAC catalytic site, to examine the conformational coupling between the activation loop and the substrate-binding cleft, separated by ∼16 Å. Comparison of glutamine binding in the presence or absence of the BPTES analog CB-839 revealed a reciprocal relationship between the constraints imposed on the activation loop position and the affinity of GAC for substrate. Binding of the inhibitor weakened the affinity of GAC for glutamine, whereas activating anions such as Piincreased this affinity. These results indicate that the conformations of the activation loop and the substrate-binding cleft in GAC are allosterically coupled and that this coupling determines substrate affinity and enzymatic activity and explains the activities of CB-839, which is currently in clinical trials.


National Institutes of Health


Elsevier BV


Cell Biology,Molecular Biology,Biochemistry







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