Trier separator of seed material of small seed oil crops


Aliiev E.,Lupko K.,Belka E.,Aliieva O.


The purpose of the research is to analyze the terrier separators of seed seeds of small-seeded crops and to develop an appropriate mechatronic control system, the use of which will perform the separation process with lower specific operating costs and higher productivity. The presented analysis of the technical support of the process of separation of seed material of small-seeded crops allows to assert the need to improve trier separators based on automated control of their parameters using photo or video recording of the process of separation of seed material with further processing. It is established that the definition of formal performance indicators of a cylindrical honeycomb trier is not trivial. The article develops a structural and technological scheme of a mechatronic system of a trier separator. The difference between the proposed system and the traditional one is that the camera fixes the trajectory of the seed flight. This information is processed in the control unit, which in turn changes the speed of the gear motor and, as a consequence, the drum with cells, the tilt angle of the tray, the angle of rotation of the damper with the stepping motor of the metering hopper. These manipulations with the operating parameters of the indented separator make it possible to adjust it to changes in the composition of the seed mixture, thereby increasing the quality of separation. In addition, due to the automatic adjustment of the operating parameters of the indented separator, the participation of the plant operator in the separation process is practically leveled, which reduces labor costs.


Institute of Oilseed Crops NAAS

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