1. Affeldt, Stefanie. 2011. “‘White Nation’ – ‘White’ Angst: The Literary Invasion of Australia.” Racism and Modernity: Festschrift for Wulf D. Hund. Ed. Iris Wigger and Sabine Ritter. Berlin: Lit Verlag.
2. Affeldt, Stefanie. 2014. Consuming Whiteness. Australian Racism and the ‘White Sugar’ Campaign. Berlin: Lit Verlag.
3. The Age. 1899. “With a Pearling Fleet. No. I – The Work in North-West Australia.” (16 August): 7.
4. The Age. 1899. “With a Pearling Fleet. No II – An Australian slave trade.” (23 August): 11.
5. The Age. 1899. “With a Pearling Fleet. No. III – Is Asiatic labour necessary?” (26 August): 4.