1. University of Novi Sad
Th e paper presents the characteristics of transculturality in Ilma Rakusa’s opus. Primarily,
it examines the “passages of memory” published under the title Mehr Meer [More Sea], and
within it, the deterritorialized memory work related to the constant moving of the narrator’s
family, i.e. the element in the history of her upbringing that refl ects her multi-ethnic origins.
Th e text is a representation of continuous border crossings. Th e permeability between cultures,
languages, and pasts does not act in the direction of reconstructing the abandoned life situations, but rather, it presupposes the creation of a new, multiple identity. Born in Rimaszombat to
a Hungarian mother and a Slovenian father, Ilma Rakusa is a translingual author, and her chosen
language is German. Th e language of the book also depicts transcultural relations. It proposes
a sensitively to meta-linguistic questions while creating a multili
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