Ilma Rakusa transzkulturális irodalmi világa Különös tekintettel Rengeteg tenger című „emlékfutamaira”


Toldi Éva1


1. University of Novi Sad


The paper presents the characteristics of transculturality in Ilma Rakusa’s opus. Primarily, it examines the “passages of memory” published under the title Mehr Meer [More Sea], and within it, the deterritorialized memory work related to the constant moving of the narrator’s family, i.e. the element in the history of her upbringing that reflects her multi-ethnic origins. The text is a representation of continuous border crossings. The permeability between cultures, languages, and pasts does not act in the direction of reconstructing the abandoned life situations, but rather, it presupposes the creation of a new, multiple identity. Born in Rimaszombat to a Hungarian mother and a Slovenian father, Ilma Rakusa is a translingual author, and her chosen language is German. The language of the book also depicts transcultural relations. It proposes a sensitively to meta-linguistic questions while creating a multilingual text. The paper also addresses the question of the translatability of multilingual texts.


University of Warsaw

Reference21 articles.

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