
Borodiyenko OleksandraORCID,Bykovsky MykhailoORCID


Relevance of the topic: the need to improve the efficiency of the management of vocational (vocational-technical) education institutions, the introduction of innovative approaches to management in order to ensure the sustainable development of the institution in the conditions of increasing competition in the educational services market. Objective: to analyze the results of implementation of the conception of results-based management in the process of operation of VET institutions (on the example of Donetsk and Luhansk regions) and to develop recommendations for the effective implementation of such an approach. Methods: theoretical analysis, synthesis, induction, extrapolation, questioning, self-evaluation, statistical processing of results obtained. Results: it is found that current political, economic, socio-demographic factors significantly limit the development of VET sphere in Donetsk and Luhansk regions, which exacerbates the need to find new impulses for such development. It is determined that the priorities for interventions should, among other things, be the development of managerial capacity of the managers (principals) of VET institutions. It has been found out that results-based management should be an appropriate concept of effective management of VET institutions. Theoretical analysis of the essence of the concept of “result-oriented management” was carried out, its essential features were clarified. The specifics of the program of development of managerial competence of principals of VET institutions and  ... Conclusions. There is an urgent need to increase the managerial capacity of heads of VET institutions; it is advisable to implement a program of such development using blended learning technology; conceptual basis for content design should be result-based management; the content of the program must meet the criteria of practical orientation and adaptability. In order to avoid problems of low motivation to further utilization of competences acquired during training, it is advisable to maintain further interact Institutions who have demonstrated high personal motivation during the training period.


Institute of Vocational Education and Training, National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine

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