The subject of computer science can be implemented at every level of education. It offers a creative space for the modernization of education. The image processing and the creation of 2D and 3D models are an actual problem in computer science. The digital technologies and modern methods are useful in solving many tasks in this area. The paper presents procedures which are easy to implement in the teaching of computer science at secondary schools. We will focus on the creation of real spatial models of small objects. The mastering the curriculum is highly supported by the active involvement of students in creation of models. We have designed a teaching module for inclusion, the creation of a real model in the subject’s content, by combination of project and problem-based teaching. Students learn by actively participating in solving partial problems. They can incorporate into the solution of real projects on the chosen topic. The project method allows students to work in groups and solve a complex practical tasks by practical activities. Our aim is to motivate students to mastering the curriculum via an active learning method “learning by doing”, by represents a real problem from everyday life, by using modern (mobile) technologies. The ability to collaborate, learn by discovering and exploring influences the development of a learning strategies.
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