Ertürk Mehmet Ali,Sar Abdullah
The lithological units outcropping in the study area are located in the Southeast Anatolian Orogenic Belt, one of the most important parts of the Alpine-Himalayan Orogenic Belt. The units of the study area are Middle Devonian-Lower Cretaceous Keban Metamorphics, Upper Cretaceous Elazığ Magmatics, Upper Maastrichtian-Paleocene Seske Formation, Middle Eocene-Upper Oligocene Kırkgeçit Formation and Quaternary cover units. The study area crops out in a local area within the Hısırık creek in the north of Sarıgül village of Baskil county, which is located in the west of Elazig province in Southeast Turkey. Elazig magmatic complex contains plutonic and sub-volcanic rocks, mainly felsic and mafic compositions. Plutonic rocks with felsic composition include granite, granodiorite, tonalite and quartz monzonites, while sub-volcanic rocks include aplite. Plutonic rocks with mafic composition are represented by diorite, quartz diorite, gabbro and orbicular gabbro, and sub-volcanic rocks are represented by diabase and diorite porphyries. The orbicular gabbros contain orbicles ranging in size from 1 cm to 15 cm, formed by repetitive concentric circles of fine and coarse grains. All these orbicles consist of concentric circles that show magmatic textures both in macro specimens and under the microscope. Orbicular circles were formed by the crystallisation of basic magma in the form of a circular texture by conventional repetition as a result of adding a basic new magma that was later included in the magma chamber during the crystallisation of basic magma. Mineralogical and petrographic features suggest that the orbicular gabbro is part of mafic igneous enclaves within intrusive mafic rocks.