Fienga Francesco,Marrazzo Vincenzo Romano,Sito Leonardo,Beni Noemi,Szillasi Zoltan,Irace Andrea,Zeuner Wolfram,Salvant Benoit,Buontempo Salvatore,Breglio Giovanni
Particle accelerators, such as the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN, are planning to increase the intensity of circulating particle beams. However, this upgrade faces challenges due to beam-induced heating that can lead to operational issues and component damage. To address this, suitable monitoring systems are required. Fiber Optic Sensing using Fiber Bragg Gratings (FBGs) has gained popularity in the High Energy Physics domain. This study focuses on iPipe, a monitoring system based on FBGs installed in the Compact Muon Solenoid experiment since 2015. FBG sensors offer advantages such as immunity to optoelectronic noise, intensity modulation, and radiation-induced losses. The iPipe system was recently upgraded and is currently acquiring data during LHC Run 3. The initial analysis of this data is presented in this paper.