1. University of Rochester
The change in ocular wavefront aberrations with visual angle determines the isoplanatic patch, defined as the largest field of view over which diffraction-limited retinal imaging can be achieved. Here, we study how the isoplanatic patch at the foveal center varies across 32 schematic eyes, each individualized with optical biometry estimates of corneal and crystalline lens surface topography, assuming a homogeneous refractive index for the crystalline lens. The foveal isoplanatic patches were calculated using real ray tracing through 2, 4, 6 and 8 mm pupil diameters for wavelengths of 400-1200 nm, simulating five adaptive optics (AO) strategies. Three of these strategies, used in flood illumination, point-scanning, and line-scanning ophthalmoscopes, apply the same wavefront correction across the entire field of view, resulting in almost identical isoplanatic patches. Two time-division multiplexing (TDM) strategies are proposed to increase the isoplanatic patch of AO scanning ophthalmoscopes through field-varying wavefront correction. Results revealed substantial variation in isoplanatic patch size across eyes (40-500%), indicating that the field of view in AO ophthalmoscopes should be adjusted for each eye. The median isoplanatic patch size decreases with increasing pupil diameter, coarsely following a power law. No statistically significant correlations were found between isoplanatic patch size and axial length. The foveal isoplanatic patch increases linearly with wavelength, primarily due to its wavelength-dependent definition (wavefront root-mean-squared, RMS <λ/14), rather than aberration chromatism. Additionally, ray tracing reveals that in strongly ametropic eyes, induced aberrations can result in wavefront RMS errors as large as λ/3 for an 8-mm pupil, with implications for wavefront sensing, open-loop ophthalmic AO, spectacle prescription and refractive surgery.
National Eye Institute
Research to Prevent Blindness