1. Michigan Technological University
During the Aerosol and Cloud Experiment in the Eastern North Atlantic
(ACE-ENA), a variety of in situ optical
sensors using shadow imaging, scattering and holography were deployed
by the Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) Aerial Facility to
determine cloud properties. Taking advantage of the wide, overlapping
range of instrumentation, we compare in
situ cloud data from several different measurement methods
for droplets up to 100 µm. Data processing was tailored to the
encountered conditions, leading to good agreement. Improvements
include noise reduction for holography and better out-of-focus
correction for shadow imaging. Comparison between direct liquid water
content measurements and optical sensors showed better agreement at
higher droplet number concentrations (>120/cm3).
Pacific Northwest National
U.S. Department of Energy
Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics,Engineering (miscellaneous),Electrical and Electronic Engineering