Manipulating excited state hyperfine level populations in an atomic laser through electronic spin polarization: controlling upper laser level degeneracy and small signal gain


Mironov A. E.ORCID,Eden J. G.


Anisotropic coherent radiation has been generated from an isotropic medium, in the absence of an external magnetic field, by the spin polarization of an atomic excited state. Lasing on specific hyperfine lines of the 6 p 2 P 3 2 6 s 2 S 1 2 (D 2) transition of Cs at 852.1 nm has been realized by photoexciting Cs-rare gas thermal collision pairs with a circularly-polarized (σ +) optical field. Subsequent dissociation of the transient Cs-rare gas B 2 Σ 1 2 + diatomic molecule selectively populates the F = 4, 5 hyperfine levels of the Cs 6 p 2 P 3 2 state. Not only does electronic spin polarization of the upper laser level yield circularly-polarized coherent emission, but the effective degeneracy (g 2) of the 6 p 2 P 3 2 state is altered by the non-statistical hyperfine state population distribution, thereby permitting control of the laser small signal gain with an elliptically-polarized pump optical field. The D 2 laser efficiency and output power correlate directly with the molecular orbital structure of the Cs-rare gas B 2Σ+ state in the region of internuclear separation at which the diatomic complex is born.


Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR)


The Optical Society


Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics







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