1. University of California, Santa Barbara
2. Anello Photonics
Kelly sidebands are a special type of dispersive wave that appear in
mode-locked systems and they have recently been observed by pulsed
excitation in integrated microcombs. Here, Kelly sidebands are
generated by continuous-wave excitation in a partially coupled
racetrack-resonator microcomb. The coupled-racetrack system supports
two optical bands so that, in contrast to earlier studies, the soliton
and Kelly sideband reside in distinct bands. The resulting interband
excitation of the Kelly sidebands relaxes power requirements and
continuous-wave sideband excitation is demonstrated. Tuning of
sideband spectral position under pulsed excitation is also studied.
Numerical simulation and the experiment show that the sidebands rely
upon symmetry breaking caused by partial coupling of the two-ring
system. More generally, multiband systems provide a new way to
engineer Kelly sidebands for spectral broadening of microcombs.
Air Force Office of Scientific
Defense Advanced Research Projects
Kavli Nanoscience Institute, California
Institute of Technology