Yu Wanji,Nakagawa Kiyoshi,Minemoto Takumi
When the classical joint transform correlator (CJTC) was applied to
pattern recognition, one of the most well known disadvantages was that
the cross correlation signals between the object and the reference
patterns as well as those between the reference patterns themselves
would join closely in the same output plane. This fact causes
inconvenience to identify the necessary output correlation signals
between the object and the references, especially when a large number
of references was used in the input image. Q.Zhan and
T.Minemoto(1) proposed the subtracted joint transform
correlator (SJTC) to remove the correlation signals between the
references from the output plane, and the binnary subtracted joint
transform correlator (BSJTC) to improve furthermore the output
correlation results. According to the SJTC and BSJTC, the cross
correlations between the references had been successfully removed from
the output plane by subtracting the Fourier power spectrum of the
references from the joint Fourier power spectrum of the input image.
Thus far, the subtraction processing was performed by a computer. In
this paper, a new all-optical SJTC system is proposed. In this system,
a holographic interference was introduced to perform the subtraction
of the Fourier power spectrum of reference patterns. There is not any
digital processing by a computer in the system, it is possible to
achieve the real time SJTC. The experimental arrangement of the
system, the shift-invariant characteristics and the dscriminability of
input patterns are described in the following.