On-demand harnessing of photonic soliton molecules


Liu Shilong12ORCID,Cui Yudong1ORCID,Karimi Ebrahim2ORCID,Malomed Boris A.34ORCID


1. Zhejiang University

2. University of Ottawa

3. Tel Aviv University

4. Instituto de Alta Investigación, Universidad de Tarapacá


Soliton molecules (SMs) are fundamentally important modes in nonlinear optical systems. It is a challenge to experimentally produce SMs with the required temporal separation (TS) in mode-locked fiber lasers. Here, we propose and realize an experimental scenario for harnessing SM dynamics in a laser setup. In particular, we tailor SMs in a mode-locked laser controlled by second-order group-velocity dispersion and dispersion losses: the real part of dispersion maintains the balance between the dispersion and nonlinearity, while the dispersion loss determines the balance of gain and losses. The experimental results demonstrate that the dispersion loss makes it possible to select desired values of the TS in bound pairs of SMs in the system. Tunability of a SM’s central wavelength and the corresponding hysteresis are addressed too. The demonstrated regime allows us to create multiple SMs with preselected values of the TS and central wavelength, which shows the potential of our setup for the design of optical data-processing schemes.


The International Postdoctoral Exchange Fellowship Program from Office of Chinese Postdoctoral Council

National Natural Science Foundation of China

Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities

Natural Science Foundation of Zhejiang Province

Israel Science Foundation

Canada First Research Excellence Fund

National Research Council Canada


Optica Publishing Group


Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics,Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials








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