1. The Pennsylvania State University
2. Bilkent University
The planewave-response characteristics of simple lamellar metagratings exhibiting thermally mediated transmission-mode deflection (blazing) were numerically investigated, the unit cell of each metagrating containing a phase-change material chosen to be indium antimonide (InSb). Thermal control arises from the use of InSb in its insulator phase and the vicinity of the vacuum state. Metagratings of type A comprise parallel rods of InSb on silicon-dioxide substrate, whereas the substrate is also made of InSb in metagratings of type B. Both types exhibit thermally controllable deflection and asymmetric transmission, which occur when the real part of the relative permittivity of InSb is high. Narrowband features in the sub-diffraction regime may appear in a wide frequency range which involves the vicinity of the vacuum state, the real part of the relative permittivity of InSb being low then.