1. Shahid Beheshti University
2. University of Babylon
We have investigated theoretically and experimentally the effect of plasmonic and all-dielectric metasurfaces on the magneto-optical response of the 2D periodic structure. For this purpose, we fabricate polydimethylsiloxane-based 2D microstructures. So, we coated them with a gold layer and a TiO2 dielectric layer as plasmonic and dielectric metasurfaces, respectively, CoFeB as the prominent magneto-optical thin films. We record the spectral magneto-optical longitudinal Kerr effect under 40 mT, and the spectrometer’s response in all visible regions. Our results show that the electric and magnetic dipole moments enhance the magneto-optical response by factors of one and two in two closer channels in 650 and 660 nm in an all-dielectric structure, respectively. The plasmonic hot spot-based magneto-optical enhancement is also confirmed in two other media with an enhancement factor of two.
Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics,Statistical and Nonlinear Physics