1. Institute for the Frontier of Attosecond Science and Technology (iFAST)
2. University of Alabama at Birmingham
3. Stanford PULSE Institute
4. University of Tokyo
5. University of California Los Angeles
6. Center for Computational Sciences and Engineering
7. Stony Brook University
8. Brookhaven National Laboratory
9. IPG Photonics – Southeast Technology Center
The advent of chirped-pulse amplification in the 1980s and femtosecond
Ti:sapphire lasers in the 1990s enabled transformative advances in
intense laser–matter interaction physics. Whereas most of experiments
have been conducted in the limited near-infrared range of 0.8–1 μm,
theories predict that many physical phenomena such as high harmonic
generation in gases favor long laser wavelengths in terms of extending
the high-energy cutoff. Significant progress has been made in
developing few-cycle, carrier-envelope phase-stabilized,
high-peak-power lasers in the 1.6–2 μm range that has laid the
foundation for attosecond X ray sources in the water window. Even
longer wavelength lasers are becoming available that are suitable to
study light filamentation, high harmonic generation, and laser–plasma
interaction in the relativistic regime. Long-wavelength lasers are
suitable for sub-bandgap strong-field excitation of a wide range of
solid materials, including semiconductors. In the strong-field limit,
bulk crystals also produce high-order harmonics. In this review, we
first introduce several important wavelength scaling laws in
strong-field physics, then describe recent breakthroughs in short-
(1.4–3 μm), mid- (3–8 μm), and long-wave (8–15 μm) infrared laser
technology, and finally provide examples of strong-field applications
of these novel lasers. Some of the broadband ultrafast infrared lasers
will have profound effects on medicine, environmental protection, and
national defense, because their wavelengths cover the water absorption
band, the molecular fingerprint region, as well as the atmospheric
infrared transparent window.
Office of Science
National Science Foundation
Air Force Office of Scientific
Defense Advanced Research Projects
Defense Threat Reduction
Office of Naval Research
National Institute of Environmental
Health Sciences
Precursory Research for Embryonic Science
and Technology
Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports,
Science and Technology
National Institutes for Quantum and
Radiological Science and Technology
Japan Society for the Promotion of
IPG Photonics
Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics
Cited by
29 articles.