1. Currently with Class 5 Photonics
2. Institute of Quantum Technologies 89081 Ulm
3. Max-Planck-Institut für Kernphysik
4. Griffith University
High temporal resolution is essential for ultra-fast pump-probe experiments. Arrival time jitter and drift measurements, as well as their control, become critical especially when combining XUV or X-ray free-electron lasers (FELs) with optical lasers due to the large scale of such facilities and their distinct pulse generation processes. This paper presents the application of a laser pulse arrival time monitor that actively corrects the arrival time of an optical laser relative to the FEL’s main optical clock. Combined with post-analysis single pulse jitter correction this new approach improves the temporal resolution for pump-probe experiments significantly. Benchmark measurements on photo-ionization of xenon atoms performed at FLASH beamline FL26, demonstrate a sub-50 fs FWHM overall temporal resolution.