Image reconstruction in optical tomography in the so-called transport regime, where the diffusion approximation is not valid, requires modeling of light transport using the radiative transfer equation. In this work, we approach this problem by utilizing the Monte Carlo method for light transport. In this work, we propose a methodology for absolute imaging of absorption and scattering in this regime utilizing a Monte Carlo method for light transport. The image reconstruction problem is formulated as a minimization problem that is solved using a stochastic Gauss-Newton method. In the construction of the Jacobian matrix for scattering, a perturbation approximation for Monte Carlo is utilized. The approach is evaluated with numerical simulations using an adaptive approach where the number of photon packets is adjusted during the iterations, and with different fixed numbers of photon packets. The simulations show that the Monte Carlo method for light transport can be utilized in the absolute imaging problem of optical tomography and that the absorption and scattering parameters can be estimated simultaneously with good accuracy.
Research Council of Finland
European Research Council
Suomen Kulttuurirahasto