Low-confinement silicon nitride (SiN) waveguides offer ultra-low losses
but require wide bend radii to avoid radiative losses. To realize the
benefits of silicon nitride in a heterogeneous laser while maintaining
a small footprint, we employ metal-coated etched facets and
transversely coupled Fabry–Perot resonators as mirrors. Heterogeneous
quantum dot lasers are fabricated using an on-chip facet plus
adiabatic taper coupler, and Fabry–Perot cavities are defined by metal
mirrors and post-grating-distributed Bragg reflectors (DBRs).
Threshold current densities below 250 A/cm2 are observed,
and a power >15 mW is measured in an integrating sphere. A laser
linewidth of <5 MHz is measured by tuning two lasers to about 50
MHz apart and measuring their beatnote on a photodiode. The total
device footprint is <1 mm2.
Defense Advanced Research Projects