1. Institute of Physical Chemistry
2. International Centre for Translational Eye Research (ICTER)
3. LV Prasad Eye Institute
4. Brien Holden Vision Institute
5. University of Miami School of Medicine
6. University of Miami College of Engineering
7. University of Rochester
Quantifying the full 3-D shape of the human crystalline lens is important for improving intraocular lens power or sizing calculations in treatments of cataract and presbyopia. In a previous work we described a novel method for the representation of the full shape of the ex vivo crystalline lens called eigenlenses, which proved more compact and accurate than compared state-of-the art methods of crystalline lens shape quantification. Here we demonstrate the use of eigenlenses to estimate the full shape of the crystalline lens in vivo from optical coherence tomography images, where only the information visible through the pupil is available. We compare the performance of eigenlenses with previous methods of full crystalline lens shape estimation, and demonstrate an improvement in repeatability, robustness and use of computational resources. We found that eigenlenses can be used to describe efficiently the crystalline lens full shape changes with accommodation and refractive error.
HORIZON EUROPE European Research Council
European Research Council
Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación
Narodowa Agencja Wymiany Akademickiej
Fundacja na rzecz Nauki Polskiej
L'Oréal-UNESCO “For Women in Science”
Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades
Research to Prevent Blindness
National Institutes of Health
Unrestricted Funds Research to Prevent Blindness, NY
Florida Lions Eye Bank and Beauty of Sight Foundation
Hyderabad Eye Research Foundation
Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics,Biotechnology
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14 articles.