El-Halafawy F. Z.,Abou-El-Enein A. A.,El-Halawany M. M.,Abou-Koura A.
The analog bandwidth of optical device (InGaAsP laser source ) with nonlinear gain is parametrically studied to maximize it.1 Thermal dependent optical parameters are considered.2 We have used the small signal model to investigate the steady-state optical harmonic response in order to enlarge the 3 dB point of the device. The peak at resonance, the resonance frequency, the gain crossover frequency, and the 3 dB frequency are related to the operating temperature and the injected currents simple quadratic forms. Both the optical gain and the carrier density at transparency are thermally expressed as exponential forms. The main feature of the obtained results is that as either the temperature decreases or the injected current increases, the resonance peak decreases and the above frequencies increase. The obtained theoretical variations are in good agreement with experimental work.