Dynamics of optical vortices in van der Waals materials


Kurman Yaniv,Dahan Raphael,Herzig Shenfux Hanan1,Rosolen Gilles2,Janzen Eli3,Edgar James H.3,Koppens Frank H. L.14,Kaminer IdoORCID


1. ICFO-Institut de Ciències Fotòniques

2. University of Mons

3. Kansas State University

4. ICREA-Institució Catalana de Recerca i Estudis Avanats


Quantized vortices are topological defects found in different two-dimensional geometries, from liquid crystals to ferromagnets, famously involved in spontaneous symmetry breaking and phase transitions. Their optical counterparts appear in planar geometries as a universal wave phenomenon, possessing topologically protected orbital angular momentum (OAM). So far, the spatiotemporal dynamics of optical vortices, including vortex-pair creation and annihilation, has been observed only in Bose–Einstein condensates. Here we observe optical vortices in van der Waals materials and measure their dynamics, including events of pair creation and annihilation. Vortices of opposite OAM are involved in pair creation/annihilation events, and their relative signs determine the surrounding field profile throughout their motion. The vortices are made of phonon polaritons in hexagonal boron nitride, which we directly probe using free electrons in an ultrafast transmission electron microscope. Our findings promote future investigations of vortex phenomena in van der Waals platforms, toward their use for chiral plasmonics, quantum simulators, and control over selection rules in light–matter interactions.


European Research Council

Office of Naval Research

HORIZON EUROPE European Research Council

Israel Science Foundation

Gobierno de España

Agencia Estatal de Investigación

European Union Next Generation EU/PRTR

Fundación Cellex

Fundació Mir-Puig

Generalitat de Catalunya


Optica Publishing Group


Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics,Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials








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