Self-imaging combiners can achieve near-perfect filled-aperture
coherent beam combination in an all-fiber format with a high-power
operation capability. In this Letter, the fabrication of proposed
self-imaging combiners is presented, along with a demonstration of a
2 × 2 configuration that uses commercially
available large-mode-area fibers, glass tube and square-core fiber.
Two types of self-imaging combiners have been fabricated using
polarization-maintaining fibers and non-polarization-maintaining
fibers, respectively, and these have been tested in an all-fiber
coherent beam combination system. Preliminary results reveal that
non-polarization-maintaining fibers can achieve better positioning
precision, and a maximal combining efficiency of 52.7% has been
achieved. The deviation of the demonstrated combining efficiency from
the theoretical prediction is mainly attributed to the distortion of
the fiber bundle and square-core output fiber, which can be further
improved by refining the fabrication process and employing specially
developed square-core fiber with better geometrical precision. To the
best of the authors’ knowledge, this is the first validation of
all-fiber coherent beam combining based on the self-imaging
Youth Talent Climbing Foundation of Laser
Fusion Research Center
National Natural Science Foundation of
Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics
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1 articles.