1. Air Force Research Laboratory Information Directorate
Perturbations to the effective refractive index from nanometer-scale fabrication variations in waveguide geometry plague high index-contrast photonic platforms; this includes the ubiquitous sub-micron silicon-on-insulator (SOI) process. Such variations are particularly troublesome for phase-sensitive devices, such as interferometers and resonators, which exhibit drastic changes in performance as a result of these fabrication-induced phase errors. In this Letter, we propose and experimentally demonstrate a design methodology for dramatically reducing device sensitivity to silicon width variations. We apply this methodology to a highly phase-sensitive device, the ring-assisted Mach–Zehnder interferometer (RAMZI), and show comparable performance and footprint to state-of-the-art devices, while substantially reducing stochastic phase errors from etch variations. This decrease in sensitivity is directly realized as energy savings by significantly reducing the required corrective thermal tuning power, providing a promising path toward ultra-energy-efficient large-scale silicon photonic circuits.
Advanced Research Projects Agency - Energy
Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency
Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics
Cited by
13 articles.