1. University of St. Andrews
2. University of Adelaide
Bessel beams have found important applications due to their propagation invariant nature. However, the presence of sidelobes has proven a hindrance in key imaging and biophotonics applications. We describe the design and generation of sidelobe-suppressed Bessel-like beams (SSBB) that provide enhanced contrast for light-sheet imaging. The sidelobe suppression is achieved by the interference of two Bessel beams with slightly different wavevectors. Axicon phase functions for each Bessel beam are combined into a single phase function using the random multiplexing technique. This phase function is realised using a spatial light modulator to generate a SSBB. The generated beam at 633 nm has a 1/e 2 radius of 44 µm and a propagation invariant distance of 39 mm which is more than four times that of the Rayleigh range of a Gaussian beam with the same 1/e 2 radius. Within this distance, the overall peak intensity of the sidelobes of the SSBB is less than 10% that of the main lobe peak intensity. In addition, through numerical simulation for the recovery of spatial frequencies, we show that the SSBB improves image contrast compared to a Bessel beam for light-sheet imaging. We also show that the designed phase function can be realised using a meta-optical element.
Scheme for Promotion of Academic and Research Collaboration
Australian Research Council
H2020 Future and Emerging Technologies
Cited by
7 articles.