Assessment of forest crops created on the dependent lands of Rivne region


Kimeichuk I.1,Radko R.2,Khryk V.1,Levandovska S.1,Sokolenko K.1,Rebko S.3


1. Bila Tserkva National Agrarian University, Bila Tserkva, Ukraine

2. National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine

3. Belarusian State Technological University, Minsk, Republic of Belarus


The article presents the amount of work on afforestation in the Rivne region over the past 5 years. The forestry and taxation indicators, the composition and condition of forest plantations created on the ancestral lands have been determined. A comparative assessment of the change in the stock of common pine crops depending on the age and types of forest growing conditions in height and the actual and potential stock at a fullness of 1.0 is carried out. According to the research results, the change in the average growth rate of pure Scots pine crops was determined under conditions A2 and B 2. The distribution of plantations in childbirth according to the degree of damage by root sponges and insect pests was carried out, the scale and harmfulness of these lesions were determined. Analysis of information on the stock of wood of pine crops indicates that more intensive growth is observed in 55-year-old plantations with some predominance in fresh subor conditions. The dependence of the phytosanitary state of plantations on the type of forest growing conditions and their composition was revealed. The most resistant are plantations that grow in conditions C 2 and D2. Healthy plantings, without signs of damage by pathogens and insect pests, occupy an area of 51.1 %. In the overwhelming majority, clean pine plantations were affected. The main reason for the decrease in their resistance is the root sponge. The extent of the spread of root rot is explained by the degree of degradation and low fertility of soils, which are transferred for afforestation, which is directly related to the nature of their use. Plantations characterized by a high degree of root sponge infestation account for 1.2 %. It was found that the proportion of healthy plantations increases by 15–18 % with the participation of deciduous species in the composition of the tree stand. The research results can be used to select the optimal options for the initial composition of plantations for various types of forest growing conditions. Key words: afforestation, forest plantations, fallows, self-seeded forests, agricultural lands, Scots pine, reserve lands.


The Bila Tserkva National Agrarian University


General Medicine

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1. Natural afforestation of the fallows in the Western Polissya;Ukrainian Journal of Forest and Wood Science;2022-12-01







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