Removal of nutrients by corn depending on fertilization and liming in Western Polissia


Polovyi V.1ORCID,Yashchenko L.1ORCID,Rovna H.1ORCID


1. Institute of Agriculture of Western Polissya NAAS of Ukraine, Shubkiv, Ukraine


The article presents the results of liming and fertilization influence on the content and removal of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium by maize on sod-podzolic sandy soil of Western Polissia. It was determined that the content of the main nutrients varied within 1.63–1.90 and 0.77–0.86 % for nitrogen, 0.51–0.59 and 0.32–0.41 % for phosphorus, 0.31–0.45 and 1.24–1.32 % for potassium respectively in the main and by-products. The highest accumulation NPK data were noted in the variant with application a 1.0 dose by hydrolytic acidity (Ha) of dolomite flour and N120P90K120 with addition of S40 and micronutrient fertilizer Nutrivant Plus Cereals (2 kg/ha). The total uptake of elements mainly depended on the combination of fertilizer components and liming doses. The maximum removal data were established for variants with a 1.0 dose by Ha of dolomite flour, norms of mineral fertilizers N120P90K120 and the addition of S40, as well as S40 and micronutrients fertilizer Nutrivant Plus Cereals (2 kg/ha). These data 1.8–2.3 times for the main product and 2.0–2.3 times for by-products exceeded the control. A more stable indicator that will make it possible to adjust the crop nutrition system is the removal of nutrients per unit of the main and the corresponding amount of by-products. It was found that with liming and fertilization, the consumption of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium by corn plants and the normative removal rate increase. In the experiment, high values of removal of 33.5 and 32.6 kg/t of nitrogen, 12.3 and 12.4 kg/t of phosphorus, 26.9 and 24.1 kg/t of potassium were obtained with the integrated application a 1.0 Ha dose by Ha of dolomite flour, N120P90K120 with the addition of sulfur, as well as sulfur and trace elements. Key words: corn, liming, fertilizers, productivity, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, elements content, nutrients removal.


The Bila Tserkva National Agrarian University


General Medicine

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