1. Vinnytsia National Agrarian University, Vinnytsia, Ukraine
Probiotic feed additives in pig diets can be an alternative and highly effective way to solve a number of problems in industrial pig production. In the course of the studies, it was revealed that different conditions for the use of a probiotic preparation for suckling piglets cause changes in the productivity of young animals in their further cultivation. The probiotic preparation "Probiol ENZIM Feeds" was studied in two ways of feeding suckling piglets: soluble (125 g/ m3) and loose (250 g/t) in summer and winter periods. It was found that in the summer period the best growth rates were in animals treated with the probiotic preparation "Probiol ENZIM Feeds" in electrolyte-soluble form, and in winter - with feed in the amount of 0,25 kg/t. The best fattening properties during the growing period were found in pigs that received a probiotic preparation in loose form during the suckling period. In particular, when using a new feeding factor in a soluble form in the summer period, it is possible to achieve an increase in the live weight of piglets at weaning by 6,8%, gross gain - by 7,4%, average daily - by 10,6%. In winter, the best results were obtained when using a probiotic in loose form, where an increase in live weight occurred by 11,1%, gross growth - by 12,6% and average daily growth - by 17,7%. During the growing period, young pigs of the first experimental group had 6,8 g greater average daily gains; in the winter period of our research, pigs that received a probiotic preparation with feed during the suckling period reached slaughter conditions 3 days faster. The carcasses of pigs that received a probiotic preparation with feed during the lactation period were 2,07% heavier, the slaughter yield was 1,3% higher, and the fat thickness was 3,37 mm more. When using the loose method of feeding a new feeding factor for suckling piglets, it is possible to increase the yield of fat from the carcass and increase the meatiness of the carcass by 2,41%. Calculations have proved that when using Probiol ENZIM Feeds with feeding for suckling piglets, it is possible to achieve an increase in the profitability of pork production by 2,86 hryvnia / hryvnia. expenses.
Key words: probiotic preparation, feeding, young pigs, large white breed, productivity, economic efficiency.
The Bila Tserkva National Agrarian University
General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Environmental Science
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