Analysis of the portfolio of educational services of agricultural institutions of higher education


Vasylenko O.1ORCID


1. Bila Tserkva National Agrarian University, Bila Tserkva, Ukraine


The types of services of agricultural institutions of higher education in the main markets of its activity - the consumer market and the market of agribusiness enterprises - have been determined. These markets differ in consumer purchasing behavior patterns and the specifics of service provision. Based on the generalization of the results of the study, the properties of educational services are highlighted, taking into account the specifics of the functioning of agricultural educational institutions. It has been proven that there are certain contradictions regarding the training of specialists and the requirements of employers, and it is noted that in connection with this, vertically integrated companies of the holding type began to actively train specialists in the agrarian profile at their own facilities. Directions for the development of activities of agricultural vocational training centers were formed in order to meet the demands of employers. An analysis of the portfolio of educational services of agricultural higher education institutions in terms of educational (educational-professional and educational-scientific) programs was carried out, its structure was determined by the levels of training of applicants, and the share of offers from the total number in the product portfolio was determined when calculating the average value of offers: EP of the first (bachelor) level higher education – 44.0 %; second (master's) level - 41.0 %, third (doctor of philosophy) level - 15.0 %. It has been established that agricultural universities have expanded the list of EPs and specialties of higher education, which indicates the diversification of educational activities and orientation towards the use of market opportunities: the portfolio of EPs of various levels includes both traditional for the agricultural sector and modern specialties (IT technologies, marketing, economics , management, finance, banking and insurance, etc.). Current areas of development for agricultural universities are postgraduate education, which involves professional retraining and advanced training, as well as the introduction of Long Life Learning programs; expansion of the list of services at the expense of English- speaking EPs; creation of EPP, ESP, technologies and innovative products, promoting them to the enterprise market and introducing them into practical business activities, etc. It has been proven that the competencies of agricultural universities should be considered as important elements of competitiveness and the ability to create popular innovative EPs. Taking into account the role of agricultural higher education for the development of the industry and rural areas, the main structural elements of the education system model, as well as the roles and measures that universities should focus on when organizing their educational activities, are defined. The proposed measures will contribute to ensuring the competitiveness of educational products of agricultural universities in the relevant markets. Key words: agricultural education, institution of higher education, competencies, competitive advantages, competitiveness, educational activity, educational program, portfolio of educational services.


The Bila Tserkva National Agrarian University

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