1. Institute of Bioenergy Crops and Sugar Beet of NAAN, Kyiv, Ukraine
The development of bioenergy in Ukraine requires the cultivation of energy crops as renewable sources of energy. Sugar beet hybrids created using valuable sterile and fertile forms can have a breeding perspective as a raw material for the production of biofuel. Therefore, the goal is to create experimental hybrids of sugar beets with high energy output, suitable for obtaining alternative types of biofuel, and to select the best of them. When creating sugar beet hybrids, 6 pollensterile and fertile samples of different ecological and genetic origins were used. The stages of the breeding process were the breeding of the original parental components, their evaluation by combining ability, and the formation of sugar beet hybrids based on the best of them. The method of multi-tester top-crosses and field tests of experimental sugar beet hybrids were applied. It was found that the parental components of sugar beet significantly differed among themselves in terms of bioethanol yield, the indicators of which ranged from 2.06 to 2.43 t/ha (TCS lines) and 2.23 to 2.73 t/ha (pollinators). The highest energy yield in topcross hybrids of sugar beets was noted in combinations created with the participation of polliniferous samples Iv.24869 (61.5 GJ/ha) and Iv.24845 (58.4 GJ/ha). Their effects of ZKZ were reliably positive and amounted to 6.7 and 4.0 GJ/ha, respectively. Numbers 1233-Jan.3 (2x) and 1183 02024 (2x) were recognized as the best pollinators of sugar beets. In the genotypic structure of variability of the "sugar yield" trait, the total share of the influence of valuable additive gene complexes of sugar beet parental forms (51 %) was almost equal to the share of non-additive interaction of components (49 %). By the method of combinatorial breeding, two new hybrid genotypes of sugar beets, suitable for the production of biofuel from renewable sources, were created, in which the energy yield exceeded the group standard by 10.6 and 12.6 %.
Key words: bioenergy, sterile forms, pollinators, sugar beet hybrids, combining ability, energy output.
The Bila Tserkva National Agrarian University
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