1. State Agrarian and Engineering University in Podilia, Kamyanets-Podilsky, Ukraine
The aim of the study was to determine the dependence of brewing quality of spring barley grain in terms of indicator of Kolbach number depending on the eff ect of foliar nutrition of plants during the growing season with micronutrients Wuxal on different backgrounds of mineral fertilization.
Effectiveness of the infl uence of foliar nutrition of spring barley plants by microfertilizers Wuxal during the growing season on the brewing quality according to the Kolbach number was established. It is revealed that the eff ectiveness of the technological agricultural measure carried out depends on the number of agri-receptions, the rate of microfertilizers and the background of mineral nutrition. It was proved that when growing barley on the background of mineral nutrition N30P45K45 the best results were obtained with two and three times application of microfertilizers at the rate of 1.5 l/ha in accordance with the phenophases of tillering, stem elongation and fl owering. Maximum productivity on the background of N60P90K90 mineral nutrition is achieved by providing three times of crops spraying with a solution of microfertilizers in the amount of 2.0 l/ha each time in accordance with the above-mentioned phenophases of barley plants growth and development.
The efficiency of foliar nutrition of spring barley plants by microfertilizers depends on the technological scheme of application, namely on the number of methods of the agro-measure carried out at the respective phenophases of development. The variants of double application microfertilizers were the best in growing barley on the background of mineral nutrition N30P45K45, – Wuxal P Max 1.5 l/ha during tillering and Wuxal Grain 1.5 l/ha at the beginning of flowering; Wuxal Grain 1.5 l/ha during the stem elongation and Wuxal Grain 1.5 l/ ha at the beginning of flowering. The optimal variant for three-times foliar nutrition of plants with microfertilizers was as follows: Wuxal P Max 1.5 l/ha during tillering, Wuxal Grain 1.5 l/ha during of stem elongation and Wuxal Grain 1.5 l/ha at the beginning of flowering, where the highest Kolbach number is obtained – 47.7; 47.5 and 48.0 %, respectively. On the background of N60P90K90 mineral nutrition, the highest parameters were established for three-time spraying of plants with microfertilizers Wuxal P Max 2.0 l/ha during tillering, Wuxal Grain 2.0 l/ha during of stem elongation and Wuxal Grain 2.0 l/ha at the beginning of flowering – 46.9 %.
Key words: spring barley, grain quality, Kolbach number, microfertilizers, foliar nutrition.
The Bila Tserkva National Agrarian University
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